Vlad reputation

Many young people admire Lenin. Should they? By James Bartholomew. Article.
Eastern Europe: the British Connection

The little-known story of how a group of Britons made trips to communist Eastern Europe, smuggling in books and doing all they could to support persecuted intellectuals.
If Sister Nijolė can be happy, so can you

Life lessons from a Lithuanian nun who fought communism. Article by James Bartholomew originally published in The Spectator online on 14th November 2022.
The paradoxes of Cuba

Interview with a former comandante in Cuba, 2003. Article by Isabella Thomas.
Ten books about communism

The top ten books most recommended by followers of the Museum of Communist Terror on Twitter and Facebook.
Why a Museum of Communist Terror?

“Why a Museum of Communist Terror?” – Article by James Bartholomew originally published in the Telegraph on 16th September 2017.
Interview with a woman born in a gulag camp

Article by James Bartholomew originally published in The Spectator on 20th May 2017.
The economy of Cuba under Castro

Article by Professor Tim Congdon was published in Standpoint in June 2014.
Ten films and TV series about communism

There is no substitute for the testimony of actual victims of communist terror. However the following films can help to bring to life aspects of communism and its history.