Innocent people about to be executed – The Great Terror in the Soviet Union

Photographs taken by the NKVD, the Soviet secret police during the Great Terror of 1937-38.
What do you think of Lenin?

We asked people what they think of Lenin and then got the views of his biographer, Victor Sebestyen.
Escape from North Korea: event with a defector – Ji Hyun Park.

Ji Hyun Park escaped twice from North Korea. James Bartholomew gives an introduction about North Korea and then interviews Ji Hyun about life in North Korea and how she escaped to China.
Jung Chang and the Cultural Revolution

Interview with Jung Chang, author of ‘Wild Swans’, about her own and her family’s experience of communist rule in China.
The extraordinary experiences of Amei Li in the Cultural Revolution

Interview with the author of “Pink Flower – Growing Up in Mao’s China” by Zoom, 27th July 2022.
How the uprising against Nicolae Ceaușescu began – Zoom event with Zsolt Szilagyi

Interview with Zsolt Szilagyi, a witness and participant in the events that led to the downfall of Ceaușescu in Romania.
Beatings and torture: the Securitate response to the beginning of the revolt against Communist rule

This short excerpt from a longer video features Árpád Gazda, a peaceful dissident. He was arrested by the Securitate, the secret police, and beaten up.
How Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s book, “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, came to be published.

Giles Udy tells the story of how the book came to be published and the reaction it caused. James Bartholomew asks a follow-up question. Event, June 14th 2022.
The extraordinary story of how a peaceful pastor provided the spark which led to the overthrow of Ceaușescu

The extraordinary story of how a peaceful pastor, László Tőkés, provided the spark that led to the overthrow of the communist regime in Romania.
What was it like in the Gulag? Interview with a survivor

Interview with one of the last living survivors of the Gulag: Ivanna Maszczak, who was sent to the notorious region of Kolyma.