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Prohibited…illegal…could result in imprisonment!

Having a monopoly board could get you into trouble in Cuba. Christmas was banned in the Soviet Union.
Innocent people about to be executed – The Great Terror in the Soviet Union

Photographs taken by the NKVD, the Soviet secret police during the Great Terror of 1937-38.
Mao with Lin Biao – desk ornament

Mao found Lin Biao useful when he began the Cultural Revolution. Lin Biao was key to getting the army behind Mao.
Vlad reputation

Many young people admire Lenin. Should they? By James Bartholomew. Article.
What do you think of Lenin?

We asked people what they think of Lenin and then got the views of his biographer, Victor Sebestyen.
Escape from North Korea: event with a defector – Ji Hyun Park.

Ji Hyun Park escaped twice from North Korea. James Bartholomew gives an introduction about North Korea and then interviews Ji Hyun about life in North Korea and how she escaped to China.
“Even the grass was bourgeois” – Jung Chang and the Cultural Revolution.

Interview with Jung Chang, author of ‘Wild Swans’, about her own and her family’s experience of communist rule in China.
Jung Chang and the Cultural Revolution

Interview with Jung Chang, author of ‘Wild Swans’, about her own and her family’s experience of communist rule in China.
Eastern Europe: the British Connection

The little-known story of how a group of Britons made trips to communist Eastern Europe, smuggling in books and doing all they could to support persecuted intellectuals.